Several years ago Meredith and I went to a Church Planting Assessment. I really believed that God was calling us to start a church and I also believed that the weekend assessment was just going to solidify what “God had told me.” After a long and grueling weekend I was told that I should not plant a church.
I was a little frustrated to say the least and argued with the assessment leader. I told him all the reasons why I was a perfect fit for planting a church. I told him about the support I had already gotten. I told him about the people who had already committed to be a part of the plant. I told him about a very clear “call” I felt on my life.
All of this was to no avail. He stuck to his recommendation, but changed the way he said it. “You’re gifted, but not called.” Taking that man’s advice has been an incredible blessing.
Since then, I always get a little nervous when I hear someone say “God told me to __________,” It makes me really nervous when what God supposedly said, doesn’t seem to ring true. So here are a few ways to know if you are actually hearing from God.
God will not call you to do something that is contrary to His word Click To Tweet- God will never “call you” to live in contradiction to His character
- If what you think that God is calling you to do is not consistent with who we know God to be…you can bet it is not God you’re hearing from.
- God will not “call you” to do something that is contrary to His word.
- God has already told us a lot of things that He wants us to do and God’s word must line up with what He is “calling” you to do.
- God is in control of your circumstances.
- When everything is falling apart around you, it may be time to reevaluate “God’s call”. To deny our circumstances is to deny that God is in control of them and it may not be a “test” to see if you’re serious…He already knows your commitment level.
- God will probably not call you to do things that are fun, exciting, make you wildly famous, and pay a lot of money.
- Let’s be honest, while He will probably use our natural gifting and passions and He will provide for you…He is more concerned with you being holy than happy.
- I just feel God’s comfort and peace.
- Just because you have a peace about it doesn’t mean it is God’s peace.
- God has a still, small voice
- You will not be able to hear God’s voice if you are the one that is always doing the talking
- God’s voice is unique
- If God’s voice tells you exactly what you want to hear and it sounds a lot like your own voice, maybe it’s the pizza you had the night before and not God.
- God is calling me to follow Him even though my Godly accountability people say I should stop.
- There is wisdom in a multitude of council. I am thankful that I took the advice of the assessor and didn’t force my way into planting a church.
Yes, sometimes everything will fall apart around you, people will tell you to stop and God may be pruning you for the next season in your life, but don’t run ahead of God. Just because it needs to be done, doesn’t mean you are the one that is called to do it. Be patient, be faithful and wait on His lead.
What are some of the ways you know God’s voice and calling?